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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1994-12-14  |  104.0 KB  |  1,400 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. Application
  6. Matrix
  7. Control
  8.     Responder
  9. Button
  10. ButtonCell
  11. ActionCell
  12. ActionView
  13.     Helvetica
  14. @:@iiii
  15. FormCell
  16. ff@@#::s
  17. Field:
  18. NXColorWell
  19. NXImage
  20. Green
  21. Alpha
  22. NXCachedImageRep
  23. NXImageRep
  24. iisssss
  25. iiiiii
  26. Replace with
  27. Range
  28. Absolute
  29. NXradio
  30. NXradioH
  31. Relative
  32. Radio
  33. Title
  34. CustomView
  35. CalibrationView
  36. Color Channels
  37. Operations
  38. MenuTemplate
  39. *@*@ccc
  40. OtherViews
  41. MenuCell
  42. Open Image
  43.     PopUpListO
  44. popUp:
  45. NXpulldown
  46. NXpulldownH
  47. Column
  48. NXpopup
  49.     TextField
  50. TextFieldCell
  51. GradationView
  52. Invert
  53.     Randomize
  54. Reset
  55. F.Basic Controls
  56. From Calibration
  57. Continuous
  58. Bezier
  59. Smooth
  60. Equidistant
  61. Sobel
  62. Laplace
  63. Compass
  64. Low pass
  65. Antialiasing
  66. Replace
  67.     + limited
  68.     - limited
  69. Hardwired Operators
  70. Slider
  71. SliderCell
  72. dddf@d@d
  73. Intensity:     
  74. Modifier
  75. Times-Roman
  76. Difference
  77. Elimination
  78. Median
  79. Antialising
  80. [49@]
  81. Denominator:  
  82. Dpi: 
  83. pixels
  84. KeepResolution
  85. KeepResolutionH
  86. InterpolateH
  87. Interpolate
  88. KeepProportions
  89. KeepProportionsH
  90. Resize
  91. Angle:    
  92. RoundSlider
  93. Rotate
  94. Width
  95. Height
  96. Basic Controls
  97. [10@]
  98. Brightness:   
  99. Limiter      
  100. NXswitch
  101.     NXswitchH
  102. Limiter:   
  103. Contrast:      
  104. Gamma:    
  105. Contour:     
  106. Consider  mean   
  108. Praceta Pedro Nunes 87, 1 dto
  109. P-4405 Miramar
  110. Portugal
  111. Times-Bold
  112. Stamp
  113. Helvetica-Bold
  114. Print...
  115. ,Comments and/or bugs for ComposeInColor 2.2:
  116.     Business 
  117. Private 
  118. Switch
  119.     Intensive
  120.     Sometimes
  121. Seldom
  122. ScrollView
  123. ClipView
  124. ciifffcfffs
  125. [119c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  126. \margl40
  127. \margr40
  128. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  129. NXCursor
  130. NXibeam
  131. Scroller
  132. _doScroller:
  133. @@@ffs
  134. Street
  135. Country
  136.     NXBrowser
  137. @@::#@ssssi**
  138. NXBrowserCell
  139. BrowserItem
  140. Action Category
  141. Store
  142. NXreturnSign
  143. Rename
  144.     Name:    
  145. Category
  146.     To Script
  147. ActionDB
  148. ScriptDB
  149. PencilDB
  150. SelectionDB
  151. ToolDB
  152. ActionPanelIcon
  153. DragBox
  154. WindowTemplate
  155. iiii***@s@
  156. Action Inspector
  157. ActionPanel
  158. Geometry
  159. Color Substitution
  160.     Gradation
  161. Calibration
  162.     Operators
  163. Preview
  164. RECALL
  165. STORE
  166. Recall
  167. CIC_Database
  168. Save As...
  169. [11@]
  170. New...
  171. Open...
  172. Open Alternate...
  173. Revert to Saved
  174. Close
  175.     Close All
  176. Merge...
  177. Unmerge...
  178. Save Animation As...
  179. inches
  180. Dimensions
  181.     Tension: 
  182. Saturation
  183. Brightness
  184. Magic Wand
  185. FreeHandleHide
  186. FreeHandleShow
  187. PathConvertType
  188. PathFillEvenOdd
  189. PathFillNormal
  190. PathSelectAll
  191. PathDelete
  192. EdgeView
  193. Photo   
  194. CMYK UCR:  
  195.     Bar_green
  196. Record
  197. NXscrollMenuUp
  198. NXscrollMenuUpD
  199. NXscrollMenuDown
  200. NXscrollMenuDownD
  201. NXscrollMenuRight
  202. NXscrollMenuRightD
  203. NXscrollMenuLeft
  204. NXscrollMenuLeftD
  205. Nearest
  206. Furthest
  207. Separate Planes:
  208. StatisticsView
  209. Channel1
  210. Channel2
  211. Channel3
  212. Channel4
  213. Channel5
  214. Image
  215.     Histogram
  216. ENTROPY
  218. [12@]
  219. Image number:
  220. Number of images:
  221. Bits per Sample:
  222. Samples per Pixel:
  223. Colorspace:
  224. Alpha:
  225. Compression:
  226. Width:
  227. Height:
  228. Actual Width:
  229. Actual Height:
  230. DB Entry
  231. Repeat
  232. # frames:    
  233. Action
  234. From Script
  235. Frames/s:    
  236. [16@]
  237. 0.00.00
  238. JPEG Factor:
  239.     Selection
  240. wB{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  241. \margl40
  242. \margr40
  243. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  244. Script
  245. Window
  246. AnimationVideoView
  247.     # images:
  248. Max width:
  249. Max height:
  250. Stepbwd
  251. StepbwdH
  252. Stepfwd
  253. StepfwdH
  254. RecordH
  255. PlayH
  256. StopH
  257.     Animation
  258. GreenLED
  259. RedLED
  260.     Frames/s:
  261. ToVideo
  262. ToVideoH
  263.     FromVideo
  264. FromVideoH
  265. Cycle
  266. CycleH
  267. Center
  268. CenterH
  269. Clear
  270. ClearH
  271. FillH
  272. GridView
  273. Background
  274. IntensityView
  275. Pencil_Box
  276. Pencil_Circle
  277. Pencil_Overlap
  278. Pencil_Overlap_alt
  279. Pencil_NoAction_alt
  280. Pencil_NoAction
  281. Grad.
  282. Pencil_ApplyGradation
  283. Miniaturize Window
  284. Size to Video
  285. Arrange in Front
  286. Close Window
  287.     Genlocked
  288. Activate Output
  289. Gamma:
  290. Output
  291. Input
  292. 0.588
  293. Saturation:
  294. Sharpness:
  295. Composite1
  296. Composite2
  297. S-Video
  298. Brightness:
  299. Pencil
  300. Bar_red
  301. AllColor
  302. BoxColor
  303. SelectionColor
  304. Background_small
  305. DoubleCursor
  306. DoubleCursor_alt
  307. CompositeView
  308. 2000%
  309. PercentBar
  310. Composition
  311. Thumbnails
  312. Normal
  313. [13@]
  314. Trans
  315. S Out
  316. S a Top
  317. D Over
  318. D Out
  319. D a Top
  320. Minus
  321. Format
  322. Info Panel...
  323. BlackBox...
  325. Preferences...
  326. Help...
  327. submenuAction:
  328. NXmenuArrow
  329. Paste
  330. Update undo
  331. Select All
  332. Scale to Selection
  333. Zoom to Selection
  334. Options
  335. Apply Script...
  336. Show Script...
  337. Selectionmode
  338.     Rectangle
  339. Freeform
  340. By color
  341. Rectangle by color
  342. Freeform by color
  343. Update Preview
  344. Update Composition
  345. Cache Image
  346. View to Video
  347. Image Statistics...
  348. Switch to CIC Lite
  349. Sequence Inspector...
  350. Run Animation...
  351. Video Setup...
  352. Tools
  353. Action Inspector...
  354. Database...
  355. Palette...
  356. Composition...
  357. Preview...
  358.     Colors...
  359. Calibrator...
  360. Channel Copier...
  361. Windows
  362. Services
  363. Page Layout...
  364. Egoistic
  365.     Collegial
  366. Memory Character
  367. Width:          
  368. Height:   
  369. Extraction Size
  370.     Colormode
  371. Factor:    
  372. Extraction
  373. Composition Type
  374. Factor:     
  375. JPEG Compression
  376. Register
  377. Novice
  378. Expert
  379. Cache always         
  380. Compression
  381. BigArrow
  382. mb/s   Write:
  383. mb/s   Average:
  384. Computing...
  385. Read:
  386. Files
  387. Current
  388. ShowProgress
  389. ShowProgress_alt
  390. wB{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  391. \margl40
  392. \margr40
  393. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  394. Sequence Inspector
  395. Tool_49
  396. Tool_1
  397. Tool_2
  398. Tool_3
  399. Tool_4
  400. Tool_5
  401. Tool_6
  402. Tool_7
  403. Tool_8
  404. Tool_9
  405. Tool_10
  406. Tool_11
  407. Tool_12
  408. Tool_13
  409. Tool_14
  410. Tool_15
  411. Tool_16
  412. Tool_17
  413. Tool_18
  414. Tool_19
  415. Tool_20
  416. Tool_21
  417. Tool_22
  418. Tool_23
  419. Tool_24
  420. Tool_25
  421. Tool_26
  422. Tool_27
  423. Tool_28
  424. Tool_29
  425. Tool_30
  426. Tool_31
  427. Tool_32
  428. Tool_33
  429. Tool_34
  430. Tool_35
  431. Tool_36
  432. Tool_37
  433. Tool_38
  434. Tool_39
  435. Tool_40
  436. Tool_41
  437. Tool_42
  438. Tool_43
  439. Tool_44
  440. Tool_45
  441. Tool_46
  442. Tool_47
  443. Tool_48
  444. Preferences
  445. Panel
  446. Code:
  447. =Enter the activation code, or run ComposeInColor in demo mode
  448. CICicon_lock
  449. Tool Inspector Views
  450. Channel Copier
  451. ActionsViewPanel
  452. Video settings
  453. Registration
  454.     New Image
  456. Animator
  457. Palette
  458. SoundController
  459.     SaveAddOn
  460. Apply Script
  461. BlackBox Info
  462. Icons
  463. LanguagePatcher
  464. Apply
  465. Pencil Inspector
  466. VideoSetup
  467.     LiteMaker
  468. ModuleBinder
  469. Database
  470. ProgressView
  471. Progress...
  472. Image Statistics
  473. Calibrator
  474. Memory
  475. BBGlue
  476. FontManager
  477. Controller
  478. Field8
  479. MenuItem
  480. Info Panel...1
  481. Field1
  482.     ColorWell
  483. Field29
  484. Form1
  485. Field48
  486. PreferencesPanel
  487. VideoSetupPanel
  488. Slider3
  489. Button1
  490. Field
  491. Button2
  492. Field9
  493. Field27
  494. Field6
  495. Scale
  496.     Max width
  497. Field46
  498. PREVIEW
  499. Action Database...
  500. AnimationWindow
  501. Separate Planes
  502. Field14
  503. Slider2
  504. Field7
  505. Field2
  506. Slider1
  507. ImagePanel
  508. BlackBox Info Panel
  509. Field10
  510. Field30
  511. Slider5
  512. Centimeters
  513. RegistrationPanel
  514. Field25
  515. Bits per Sample
  516. Field11
  517. Field44
  518. Matrix1
  519. Font Manager
  520. RENAME
  521. Field42
  522. SaveAddOnPanel
  523. Colorspace
  524. Field13
  525. r Trimming1
  526. Field12
  527. Field15
  528. Field5
  529. Field31
  530. Field3
  531.     Video out
  532. View4
  533. Width:    
  534. Field16
  535.     MenuItem2
  536. Colors...1
  537. Field32
  538. Button4
  540. Matrix3
  541. Field17
  542. CommentsPanel
  543. Field33
  544. Max height
  545. PRINT...
  546. Field4
  547. Crop1
  548. Pixels
  549. SequenceInspectorWindow
  550. Inches
  551. Matrix11
  552. Field18
  554. Field34
  555. Video in
  556. Button3
  557. Actual Width
  558.     TO SCRIPT
  559. NewImagePanel
  560. Image Statistics...1
  561. Field19
  562. Matrix2
  563. Field35
  564. S Over
  565. ActionViews
  566. PreviewPanel
  567. Plus D
  568. Field28
  569. CopierPanel
  570. Field47
  571. Actual Height
  572. Plus L
  573. File's Owner
  574. Wait for Nearest
  575. Slider4
  576. Height:      
  577. Field45
  578. Form2
  579. PencilInspectorPanel
  580. Field36
  581. Number of images
  582. Intense
  583. # images
  584. Field26
  585. ModuleBinderInstance
  586. Percentage:  
  587. Selection 
  588. Form3
  589. Samples per Pixel
  590. ProgressPanel
  591. Field37
  592. LanguagePatcherInstance
  593. Field43
  594. Wait for Furthest
  595. Field20
  596. StatisticsPanel
  597. CompositeWindow
  598. SoundControllerInstance
  599. CalibratorPanel
  600. Field21
  601. Field38
  602. ScrollingText
  603. Field22
  604. ToolInspectorViews
  605. ApplyWindow
  606. Field39
  607. ScriptWindow
  608. Image number
  610. JPEG Factor
  611. Field23
  612. MainMenu
  613. Field40
  614.     Width:   
  615. ColorWell1
  616. Angle:      
  617. Pencil Inspector...1
  618. Field24
  619. DatabaseWindow
  620.     Height:  
  621. Field41
  622. [1125@]
  623. IBControlConnector
  624. IBConnector
  625. hide:
  626. terminate:
  627. copy:
  628. paste:
  629. orderFrontColorPanel:
  630. performMiniaturize:
  631. performClose:
  632. arrangeInFront:
  633. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  634. IBOutletConnector
  635. CompositeViewI
  636. nextText
  637. UndoButton
  638.     doAction:
  639. ActionsPopUp
  640. ReplaceView
  641. delegate
  642. MemButtonsOfCompose
  643. RecallButtonOfCompose
  644. MemButtonsOfAction
  645. RecallButtonOfAction
  646. memButtonPressedOfAction:
  647. memButtonPressedOfCompose:
  648. MemoryI
  649. runPageLayout:
  650. ActionPanelI
  651. ReplaceRangeWell
  652. ReplaceRangeForm
  653. ReplaceForm
  654. ReplaceWell
  655. adjustColorForm:
  656. adjustColorWell:
  657. ControllerI
  658. undoAction:
  659. DoButton
  660. CompositeModePopUp
  661. infoPanel:
  662. PercentBarI
  663. CompositeButton
  664. doApply:
  665. chooseFiles:
  666. changeZoom:
  667. setCompositeMode:
  668. compositeButtonPressed:
  669. MatrixView
  670. performClick:
  671. ReplaceReplaceWell
  672. ReplaceRelativeMatrix
  673. saveRequest:
  674. MatrixForm
  675. MatrixFunctionPopUp
  676. actionView
  677. CloseMenuCell
  678. RevertMenuCell
  679. SaveAsMenuCell
  680. SaveMenuCell
  681. revert:
  682. OpenAlternateMenuCell
  683. openAlternate:
  684. close:
  685. openRequest:
  686. ApplyI
  687. BrowserI
  688. NameFormCell
  689. storeEntry:
  690. deleteEntry:
  691. makeDirectory:
  692.     DatabaseI
  693. showAction:
  694. ActionPopUp
  695. changeToNewView:
  696. PreferencePanel
  697. registerPreferences:
  698. FactorFormCell
  699. XPixelsFormCell
  700. YPixelsFormCell
  701. CompositionTypeButton
  702. DefaultCompressionButton
  703. DefaultColormodeButton
  704. MemoryCharacterMatrix
  705. UserMatrix
  706. SaveAddOnCompressionPopUp
  707. SaveAddOnFactorFormCell
  708. changeCompression:
  709. setJPEGFactorFormCell:
  710. CompressionFactorFormCell
  711. InfoForm
  712. ChannelPopUp
  713. showStatistics:
  714. computeHistogram:
  715. StatisticsMatrix
  716. NameTextField
  717. XValueTextField
  718. YValueTextField
  719. FrameMatrix
  720. TimeMatrix
  721. ActionMatrix
  722. getEntryFromDatabase:
  723. writeInterpolate:
  724. setFrameCount:
  725. AnimateImageWindow
  726. showWindow:
  727. PreviewOriginalView
  728. PreviewChangedView
  729. UnderlyingView
  730. writeRepeat:
  731. writeReset:
  732. CompositionUpdateMenuCell
  733. ImageStatisticsMenuCell
  734. AnimateImageMenuCell
  735. PreviewMenuCell
  736. updateComposition:
  737. updatePreview:
  738. togglePreview:
  739. PreviewButton
  740. PreviewUpdateMenuCell
  741. merge:
  742. unmerge:
  743. AnimationNameTextField
  744. ImagesFormCell
  745. MaxWidthFormCell
  746. MaxHeightFormCell
  747. ImageCounterTextField
  748. FrameSelectSlider
  749.     backward:
  750. forward:
  751. changeFramesPerSecond:
  752. changeFrame:
  753. runFromFile:
  754. OperatorView
  755. OperatorPopUp
  756. InTimeButton
  757. menuChangesSelectionMode:
  758. BackgroundWell
  759. ImagesPerSecondFormCell
  760. VideoMenuCell
  761. changeBackground:
  762. takeIntValueFrom:
  763. OperatorIntensityFormCell
  764. MergeMenuCell
  765. UnmergeMenuCell
  766.     ZoomPopUp
  767. VideoSetupI
  768. saveAnimation:
  769. ControlButtonMatrix
  770. VideoInButton
  771. VideoOutButton
  772. toggleVideoOutState:
  773. toggleVideoInState:
  774. medit1
  775. medit2
  776. medit3
  777. medit4
  778. medit5
  779. mwin1
  780. mwin2
  781. mwin3
  782. LanguagePatcherI
  783. changeOutputGamma:
  784. changeOutputGenlocked:
  785. changeInputPort:
  786. changeInputHue:
  787. changeInputSaturation:
  788. changeInputSharpness:
  789. changeInputBrightness:
  790. changeInputGamma:
  791. AnimationVideoViewI
  792. IBrightnessTextField
  793. IGammaTextField
  794. ISharpnessTextField
  795. ISaturationTextField
  796. IHueTextField
  797. OGammaTextField
  798. setTool:
  799. invert:
  800. flip:
  801. randomize:
  802. reset:
  803. loadCalibrationFile:
  804.     CalibView
  805. GradationViewI
  806. GradView
  807. CacheAlwaysButton
  808. grab:
  809. RecordButton
  810. GrabButton
  811. SaveAnimationMenuCell
  812. RecallButtonOfAnimation
  813.     apanel001
  814.     apanel002
  815.     apanel003
  816.     apanel004
  817.     apanel005
  818.     apanel006
  819.     apanel007
  820.     apanel014
  821. grad001
  822. grad002
  823. grad003
  824. calib002
  825. calib003
  826. calib004
  827. calib005
  828. grad004
  829. grad005
  830. grad006
  831. grad007
  832. grad008
  833. grad009
  834. ops001
  835. ops002
  836. ops003
  837. ops004
  838. ops005
  839. ops006
  840. mat001
  841. mat002
  842. mat003
  843. mat004
  844. mat005
  845. repl001
  846. repl002
  847. repl003
  848. repl004
  849.     apanel000
  850. pref000
  851. pref001
  852. pref002
  853. pref003
  854. pref004
  855. pref005
  856. pref006
  857. pref007
  858. pref008
  859. pref009
  860. pref010
  861. pref011
  862. pref012
  863. pref013
  864. pref014
  865. pref015
  866. pref016
  867. pref017
  868. pref018
  869. pref019
  870. db000
  871. db002
  872. db003
  873. db004
  874. db006
  875. saveaddon001
  876. saveaddon003
  877. apply000
  878. apply003
  879. apply004
  880. apply006
  881. apply007
  882. stat000
  883. stat001
  884. stat002
  885. stat003
  886. stat004
  887. stat005
  888. stat006
  889. stat007
  890. stat008
  891. stat009
  892. stat010
  893. stat011
  894. stat012
  895. stat013
  896. stat014
  897. stat015
  898. stat016
  899. stat017
  900. stat018
  901. stat019
  902. stat020
  903. stat021
  904. stat022
  905. stat023
  906. stat024
  907. stat025
  908. preview000
  909. aniview000
  910. aniview001
  911. aniview002
  912. aniview003
  913. aniview004
  914. aniview005
  915. saveaddon000
  916. memButtonPressedOfAnimation:
  917. CycleButton
  918. CenterButton
  919. ClearButton
  920. FillButton
  921. toggleCycling:
  922. toggleCentering:
  923. toggleClearing:
  924. toggleFilling:
  925.     animate00
  926.     animate01
  927.     animate02
  928.     animate04
  929.     animate05
  930.     animate06
  931.     animate07
  932.     animate08
  933.     animate09
  934.     animate10
  935. video00
  936. video01
  937. video02
  938. video03
  939. video04
  940. video05
  941. video06
  942. video07
  943. video08
  944. video09
  945. smartPrintPSCode:
  946. comm00
  947. comm01
  948. comm02
  949. comm03
  950. comm04
  951. comm08
  952. comm09
  953. comm10
  954. comm11
  955. comm12
  956. comm05
  957. comm06
  958. comm07
  959. pop01
  960. pop02
  961. pop03
  962. pop04
  963. pop05
  964. pop06
  965. pop07
  966. pop08
  967. pop09
  968. pop10
  969. record:
  970. stopRun:
  971. CalibrationViewI
  972.     AnimatorI
  973. MatrixDenominatorFormCell
  974. MatrixPostModePopUp
  975. mat007
  976. mat009
  977. mat008
  978. mat010
  979. mat011
  980. pop11
  981. mat006
  982. selectAll:
  983. CacheImageMenuCell
  984. cacheAcImage:
  985. scriptWin00
  986.     toScript:
  987. ScriptScrollView
  988. comm13
  989. SoundControllerI
  990. sizeWindowToVideo:
  991. ConverterMenuCell
  992. converter00
  993. ConverterWindow
  994. ModuleBinderI
  995. MatrixIntensityTextFieldCell
  996. SaveAddOnTiffEpsButton
  997. readFromScript:
  998. writeToScript:
  999. correctSaveName:
  1000. ops008
  1001. ops009
  1002. ops010
  1003. ops011
  1004. ops012
  1005. pop12
  1006. OperatorPostModePopUp
  1007. ops013
  1008. ops014
  1009. takeFromBasicControls:
  1010. takeFromCalibration:
  1011. grad011
  1012. grad012
  1013.     ModePopUp
  1014. print:
  1015.     closeAll:
  1016. CloseAllMenuCell
  1017. CommentsScrollView
  1018. isolate:
  1019. medit7
  1020. SaveAddOnSelectionButton
  1021. PrintMenuCell
  1022. changeSize:
  1023. showOneToOne:
  1024. PencilGridView
  1025. OneToOneButton
  1026. stopModal:
  1027. NewPanel
  1028. NewWidthFormCell
  1029. NewHeightFormCell
  1030. NewWidthUnitPopUp
  1031. NewHeightUnitPopUp
  1032. NewDpiFormCell
  1033. NewAlphaButton
  1034. NewImageTypeMatrix
  1035. newRequest:
  1036. SizeSlider
  1037. newpanel00
  1038. newpanel01
  1039. newpanel04
  1040. newpanel05
  1041. newpanel06
  1042. newpanel07
  1043. newpanel08
  1044. newpanel09
  1045. newpanel10
  1046. newpanel11
  1047. newpanel12
  1048. pop13
  1049. pop14
  1050. PencilGridViewI
  1051. ProgressNameTextField
  1052. SaveAsEPSButton
  1053. ShowProgressButton
  1054. ProgressWindow
  1055. ProgressViewI
  1056. CurrentNameTextField
  1057. prepareUndo:
  1058. medit8
  1059. undo:
  1060. doSequence:
  1061. FramesPerSecond
  1062.     animate11
  1063.     animate12
  1064. showTimes:
  1065. regpanel00
  1066. regpanel01
  1067. RegistrationIDTextField
  1068. RegistrationCodeFormCell
  1069. ApplyPanel
  1070. DecreaseRateSlider
  1071. DistanceSlider
  1072. FrequencySlider
  1073. ShapeGridView
  1074. OverlapButton
  1075. PressureView
  1076. switchDatabase:
  1077. ToolsMatrix
  1078. DragBoxI
  1079. ScaleToRectMenuCell
  1080. ZoomToRectMenuCell
  1081. PaletteWindow
  1082. zoomToRect:
  1083. DatabaseMatrix
  1084. VariableButton
  1085. PaletteI
  1086. recallFromDatabase:
  1087. RecordPencilButton
  1088. ImageMatrix
  1089. save:
  1090. redTextField
  1091. CalibratorI
  1092. blueSlider
  1093. blueTextField
  1094. greenSlider
  1095. greenTextField
  1096.     redSlider
  1097. target
  1098. calibrator00
  1099. calibrator01
  1100. calibrator02
  1101. iconspanel00
  1102. BBglueI
  1103. BBGlueI
  1104. gammaSlider
  1105. blueColorWell
  1106. cyanColorWell
  1107. greenColorWell
  1108. magentaColorWell
  1109. redColorWell
  1110. yellowColorWell
  1111. gammaTextField
  1112. drop:
  1113. setCMYKParams:
  1114. toggleEnabled:
  1115. textDelegate
  1116. BlackBoxPanel:
  1117. BBInfoPanel_InquireTextField
  1118. BBInfoPanel_ReadTextField
  1119. BBInfoPanel_AvgTextField
  1120. BBInfoPanel_WriteTextField
  1121. BBInfoPanel
  1122. CalibChannelMatrix
  1123. deselectAllButton:
  1124. deselectOthers:
  1125. GradChannelMatrix
  1126. MatrixChannelMatrix
  1127. OperatorChannelMatrix
  1128. EffectBrightness
  1129. EffectContrast
  1130. EffectGamma
  1131. EffectContour
  1132. EffectLimiterButton
  1133. EffectMeanButton
  1134. EffectView
  1135. EffectChannelMatrix
  1136. ReplaceColorsMatrix
  1137. ReplaceRangeColorsMatrix
  1138. SelectForm
  1139. SelectWell
  1140. SelectColorsMatrix
  1141.     RangeForm
  1142.     RangeWell
  1143. RelativeButton
  1144. WaitForPopUp
  1145. setWaitFor:
  1146. setRelative:
  1147. RectSelectionXFormCell
  1148. RectSelectionYFormCell
  1149. RectSelectionWidthFormCell
  1150. RectSelectionHeightFormCell
  1151. SelectionView
  1152. changeRectangleSize:
  1153. changeBezierTrimming:
  1154. computeTraceParameters:
  1155. BezierTrimmingTextField
  1156. BezierTrimmingSlider
  1157. FreeSelectionBrightnessSlider
  1158. FreeSelectionHandlesButton
  1159. FreeSelectionHueSlider
  1160. FreeSelectionSaturationSlider
  1161. ImageScrollView
  1162. !changeTransparencyOfCurrentImage:
  1163. TransparencySlider
  1164. changeColorModeToRGB:
  1165. FreeSelectionXFormCell
  1166. FreeSelectionYFormCell
  1167. ImageTypeColorSpaceMatrix
  1168. ImageTypeAlphaButton
  1169. ImageTypeDpiTextField
  1170. ImageTypePhotoButton
  1171. ImageTypeUCRPercentageFormCell
  1172. manageImageType:
  1173. takeFloatValueFrom:
  1174. showGeometrySettings:
  1175. ChangeGeometryAngle
  1176. ChangeGeometryAngleSlider
  1177. ChangeGeometryHeightFormCell
  1178. ChangeGeometryHeightPopup
  1179. ChangeGeometryInterpolate
  1180. ChangeGeometryKeepProportions
  1181. ChangeGeometryKeepResolution
  1182.  ChangeGeometryResolutionFormCell
  1183. ChangeGeometryView
  1184. ChangeGeometryWidthFormCell
  1185. ChangeGeometryWidthPopup
  1186. ChangeGeometryXMove
  1187. ChangeGeometryYMove
  1188. changeImageOrigin:
  1189. AllSelectionHeightFormCell
  1190. AllSelectionWidthFormCell
  1191. AllSelectionXFormCell
  1192. AllSelectionYFormCell
  1193. AllSelectionOriginChangeButton
  1194. RectSelectionOriginChangeButton
  1195. RectSelectionSizeChangeButton
  1196. FreeSelectionEOButton
  1197. FreeSelectionTypeButton
  1198. ThumbnailButton
  1199. toggleThumbnailDisplay:
  1200. freepanel05
  1201. freepanel06
  1202. type001
  1203. comp06
  1204. comp07
  1205. comp08
  1206. type006
  1207. cont001
  1208. cont002
  1209. cont003
  1210. cont004
  1211. cont005
  1212. cont006
  1213. cont007
  1214. geom001
  1215. geom006
  1216. geom007
  1217. geom008
  1218. geom010
  1219. geom011
  1220. geom012
  1221. geom002
  1222. geom003
  1223. geom004
  1224. medit9
  1225. FilesScrollView
  1226. pop18
  1227. pop19
  1228. BrightnessTextField
  1229. ContrastTextField
  1230. GammaTextField
  1231. LimiterButton
  1232. pop00
  1233. handleToggleType:
  1234. handleSelectAll:
  1235. handleDelete:
  1236. changeFreeformOrigin:
  1237. CurrentButton
  1238. showHelpPanel:
  1239. IBHelpConnector
  1240. tutor1.rtfd
  1241. ActionInspector
  1242. BasicControls
  1243. ColorChannelMatrix
  1244. tutor2.rtfd
  1245. ActionStores
  1246. ActionDatabase
  1247. tutor3.rtfd
  1248. Zooming
  1249. tutor4.rtfd
  1250. Compositing
  1251. ImageLayers
  1252. Caching
  1253. CompositingModes
  1254. AlphaChannel
  1255. CreatingComposition
  1256. tutor5.rtfd
  1257. ByColor
  1258. WaitMode
  1259.     MagicWand
  1260. SelectionOperations
  1261. SelectionStores
  1262. tutor6.rtfd
  1263. PencilDatabase
  1264. tutor7.rtfd
  1265. ExtractionFactor
  1266. ExtractionSize
  1267. tutor8.rtfd
  1268. ScriptDatabase
  1269. ApplyScript
  1270. WritingScript
  1271. SequenceInspector
  1272. tutor9.rtfd
  1273. AnimationControlButtons
  1274. Grabbing
  1275. Merge
  1276. tutor10.rtfd
  1277. ChannelCopier
  1278. ImageStatistics
  1279. Entropy
  1280. Actions.rtfd
  1281. ColorSubstitution
  1282. DoingFreeforms.rtfd
  1283. TransformButton
  1284. FillTypeButton
  1285. SelectAllButton
  1286. DeleteButton
  1287. TensionSlider
  1288. ConverterFromChannelMatrix
  1289. ConverterToChannelMatrix
  1290. scaleToRect:
  1291. switchToLightMode:
  1292. togglePlay:
  1293. toggleRecord:
  1294. AnnotationPlayButton
  1295. AnnotationRecordButton
  1296. ColorModeMatrix
  1297. PlayButton
  1298. UnitButton
  1299. MatchBox
  1300. changeSelectionMode:
  1301. changeRetouchingMode:
  1302. changeDoubleCursorMode:
  1303. DoubleCursorButton
  1304. RetouchingButton
  1305. SelectionModeMatrix
  1306. applyGradation:
  1307. drawRectangle:
  1308. drawCircle:
  1309. IgnoreActionButton
  1310. PencilInspectorView
  1311. allin
  1312. allmm
  1313. allpixel
  1314. pop15
  1315.     UnitPopUp
  1316. changeUnits:
  1317. IntensityViewI
  1318. PencilPaletteView
  1319. AllPaletteView
  1320. AllSelectionView
  1321. FreeSelectionView
  1322. PaletteView
  1323. RectSelectionView
  1324. moveCurrentImage:
  1325. brotherView
  1326. changeColorModeToCMYK:
  1327. changeColorModeToHSB:
  1328. ColorPaletteView
  1329. ColorSelectionView
  1330. backgroundView
  1331.     EdgeViewI
  1332. SelectionPaletteView
  1333. RectangleButton
  1334.     AddonView
  1335. toggleAddonView:
  1336. PencilButton
  1337. MouseAndKeyboard.rtfd
  1338. AllSelection
  1339. RectangleSelection
  1340. FreeformSelection
  1341. ByColorSelection
  1342. RectangleByColorSelection
  1343. FreeformByColorSelection
  1344. Double-cursorButton
  1345. MCPreferences
  1346. MCOpenAlternate
  1347. MCMerge
  1348.     MCUnmerge
  1349. MCApplyScript
  1350. MCShowScript
  1351. SUBSelectionmode
  1352. MCUpdatePreview
  1353. MCViewToVideo
  1354. MCImageStatistics
  1355. SUBAnimation
  1356. MCCalibrator
  1357.     MCPreview
  1358. MCDatabase
  1359. MCSaveAnimationAs
  1360. ActionPanelUndoButton
  1361. ActionPanelDoButton
  1362. ActionPanelPreviewButton
  1363. ActionPanelStoreMatrix
  1364. ActionPanelStoreButton
  1365. CompositeStoreButton
  1366. CompositeStoreMatrix
  1367. CompositeThumbnailButton
  1368. MCChannelCopier
  1369. CompositeTransparencySlider
  1370. LiteMakerI
  1371. PaletteBBButton
  1372. PaletteInspectionBox
  1373. PalettePencilMatrix
  1374. PaletteSelectionModeMatrix
  1375. PaletteMatrix
  1376. SwitchModeMenuCell
  1377. CompositeCompositeButton
  1378. CompositeScrollView
  1379. CompositeUnitButton
  1380. CompositeUnitPopUp
  1381. FreeformTensionFormCell
  1382. FreeformTensionSlider
  1383. FreeformTensionTextField
  1384. FreeformMagicWandBox
  1385. MCAll
  1386.     MCByColor
  1387. MCFreeform
  1388. MCFreeformByColor
  1389. MCRectangle
  1390. MCRectangleByColor
  1391. MCRunAnimation
  1392. MCSequenceInspector
  1393. MCVideoSetup
  1394. MCSizeToVideo
  1395. CommentTextField
  1396. BBButton
  1397. PencilInspector
  1398. APaletteButton
  1399.     Enlarging